BIONICLE Mask of Destiny

BIONICLE Chronicles #1: Tale of the Toa

“The Power of Six”

Written by C.A. Hapka


Kopaka saw Tahu fly by and crash into the wall. As the Fire Toa slid to the floor, stunned, Kopaka aimed his ice blade in front of the Manas that was moving in on the fallen Toa. The floor in front of the creature instantly froze once again, slowing it down long enough for Lewa to somersault in and drag Tahu out of range.


“This is ridiculous,” Gali cried as she defended herself against the second Manas. “They’re just too strong! We’d better retreat.”


“Never!” Tahu croaked, his voice hoarse but determined. “We must stay united. We must defeat them!”


Kopaka blinked, wondering why Tahu's words had struck such a chord in his mind. Where have I heard something like that before?


He glanced toward Gali and found her watching him. “What is it, brother?” she asked. “Do you know something? I — I think I do. I had a vision. It told me that something would happen after we found all the Masks of Power. That we would need to — unite.”


Kopaka hesitated. Could it be?


The words from his vision returned: …behold the future… you and the others shall… all the Great Masks of Power… together and defeat… three shall become… path of wisdom… myself, Akamai… of the warrior… only by uniting…


“I think I had the same vision,” he admitted at last. “I didn’t understand it at the time. I — I still don’t understand it.”


“Don’t you see?” Gali stared into his eyes, almost seeming to forget about the Manas, who were attacking the other Toa nearby. “I was told that three shall become Wairuha and walk the path of wisdom. Three shall become Akamai and walk the path of the warrior. Only by uniting will the Toa find the strength to triumph.”


Kopaka shook his head. “No,” he said. “It doesn’t make sense. How could such a thing happen?”


“I sense that it will happen if we want it to,” Gali replied quietly. She glanced briefly toward the battle behind them. “I'm thinking that I want whatever will help us all. Do you?”


Kopaka stared at her for a moment. How could he want such a thing? Three become one — it would mean giving up his own individuality. No! It was impossible…


Or was it? Haven’t I found that sometimes my own powers fell short? he thought reluctantly. Haven’t I found myself wishing at times that the others were with me?


Gali was still watching him. “Unity, duty, destiny,” she said urgently. “Think about those words, brother. Do you believe in them?”


“Yes,” Kopaka said at last. “Yes. I don’t like them much right now, but I believe in them.” He took a deep breath. “Let’s do it.”


“Brothers!” Gali shouted. “We need to retreat — just for a moment.”


Pohatu and Onua glanced at each other. Then they used their powers simultaneously to tumble down part of the ceiling and create a wall of rubble right in front of the advancing Manas.


“That won’t hold them for long,” Pohatu said breathlessly. “Now, what is it?”


Gali quickly described the vision she’d had. “We need to unite,” she finished. “Combine our powers. Otherwise, there is no hope of victory.”


The others nodded. “At this point,” Tahu said, “I’ll try anything.”


As if part of one of his own dreams, Kopaka moved toward Gali and Lewa. Nearby, Tahu turned to face Pohatu and Onua. In each group, three Toa locked eyes… and became one.